Tuesday, 3 January 2012

2012 Bucket List Blog Hop Link-Up

Earlier this week, I emailed Sally at the Tots 100 with my thoughts about inspiration for blog posts in 2012. I suggested that I would most like to see posts about Bucket Lists this year as I want to challenge people to realise their goals and achieve them.

This got me thinking about my real life general bucket list. There are lots of things that I would like to do during my life - so many that I could spend all day listing them. However, here are a few to start off with:

My Life Bucket List

  1. Live in another Country.
  2. Travel to as many Countries as possible.
  3. Visit the Ice Hotel .
  4. Make most of my Income Online. (wishful thinking)
  5. Take my kids to a Music Festival.
  6. Watch the Sun rise over the Pacific Ocean.
  7. Go Whale and/or Dolphin Watching.
  8. Dance on TV or in a Musical.
  9. Live in a big mansion in the City I choose.
  10. Tandem Skydive. (Need to get the courage up for that one)

So not quite my com
plete ultimate life Bucket List, but a good start for 2012.

This also got me thinking about my blog bucket list for 2012. I am trying to be a little more realistic with this one and think of things that I might feasibly be able to accomplish rather than world blog domination!! So here is my blog bucket list of things I would like to achieve in 2012:

My Blog Bucket List

  1. Attend a Vegetarian Cookery Course & Utensil Skills Course.
  2. Review the Vegetarian menu in Restaurants.
  3. Go on a blogging travel trip related to Vegetarian food.
  4. Interview a Vegetarian Chef/Celebrity.
  5. Challenge myself to cook a new dish I have never cooked before every week & cook from my new recipe books. (See below)
  6. Attend blogging conventions and meet more lovely bloggers.
  7. Make it into the Tots or Foodies 100 just once. (more wishful thinking!!)
  8. Improve my food photography skills (or buy a better camera)
  9. Learn more HTML.
  10. Perhaps through my blog earn an income, or get more copywriting/freelance writing/Fundraising or PR work so that I can feel less guilty about not having a full time high flying Career.

I have already started fulfilling one of these wishes as today I learnt HTML for how to insert borders around images and tables into blogger - a big achievement for me!!. I also created my own blog hop image and link - an even bigger achievement!

As listed in my 2012 Bucket List, I received some new recipe books for Christmas and so I am looking forward to cooking some dishes out of them and seeing which dishes I can adapt to turn Vegetarian! 

Do you have any favourites from these recipe books you could recommend?

So that's me at the beginning of 2012! I will hopefully be blogging about how my bucket lists are going (or not) throughout the rest of the year.

I thought it would be fun to create a Blog Hop so that you could link your own 2012 Bucket List. However realistic or fantastical it is, I would love to read it. All you have to do is copy the badge to your post and then enter your details in the link.


  1. I think a bucket list is a great idea, so different to resolutions etc, it's dreaming and thinking big. I have a lot on mine but then a lifetime to achieve :)
    On the cookbooks the only one I have is the GBBO one, have made bread from it and that's it. I did get the Pieminister book for xmas though and that has a few good veggie recipes

  2. Lovely post and wonderful selection of wishes. I think its important to start small and have things that are actually attainable in order to continue to feel positive about your goals. (what I am doing with mine) : ) xx

  3. This is a great list! I think it's really good that you have a life 'list' and a 'blog' list, I suppose I should join in really! Always good to push yourself and learn new things, well done with the html code too!!

  4. Thanks all - I will have to have a read of the pie minster book - it does look good. Thanks for joining in my blog hop x

  5. i came over from ren's! that's a really great list! i've been trying to simplify my life, meditate, focus, so i'm keeping to a very simple new year's resolution to just be more me. i may tackle this bucket list one day when I'm a bit more sure of what I want to accomplish in life, but thanks for the beautiful inspiration!

  6. Hy Clare,
    chanced upon your space while blog hopping...very interesting space you have..
    excellent posts with inviting cliks..
    blog hop sounds great..
    Am your happy follower now..:)
    do stop by mine sometime..
    Tasty Appetite

  7. Hello There,

    Came across your blog. There are some great ideas here! I may have to borrow an idea or two for myself :-). Will try the Blog Hop above, apologies if I do it incorrectly!

  8. Great cookbooks! I just ordered the River Cottage Veg Everyday, vegetarian cookbook. I'm so looking forward to cooking from it.

    From yours, I would like to get one of Lorraine Pascale's books and Jamie Oliver' Jamie's Great Britain.

  9. I've just been writing my bucket list so when it's finished, I'll link up!

  10. Thanks for visiting and commenting all. Can't wait to read your bucket lists!

  11. Great goals and the bucket list looks great. Rather than writing a bucket list year I am writing blog posts on how to achieve a bucket list and have just finished a kindle book about it!



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