Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Stuffed Peppers with Goats Cheese

Recently we had the situation where we had friends coming round at short notice, and I had to raid the fridge to find something to give them. Luckily, I happened to have some sweet baby peppers in the fridge, and also some goats cheese, and so I rustled up some Stuffed Peppers with Goats Cheese for us all to enjoy. Stuffed Peppers are a great dish as there are lots of ways you can vary them. You could use larger peppers, or small baby peppers, but I think the sweeter baby peppers taste nicer. You can also vary the herbs and spices, and types of cheese that you use too, so they are quite versatile. 

Here is the recipe below. As this was a quick recipe on the hop I didn't have time to take any fancy pictures, but I have included a quick snap I took below. 

Let me know what you think! What is your favourite stuffed pepper filling?

500g Mini Sweet Peppers
125g Goats Cheese
100g Cream Cheese
1 Egg, whisked with a fork
½ tsp Oregano
1/2tsp Chilli Powder
2tsp Fresh Chives
Salt & Pepper
Olive Oil

  1. Cut the peppers in half and scoop out the seeds.
  2. Whisk the Egg, and add the Goats Cheese and Cream Cheese to the bowl, stirring together until the ingredients have combined. 
  3. Add the herbs, spices, salt and pepper, and mix together. 
  4. Using a teaspoon, scoop the cheese mixture into the peppers, pressing down with your fingers to ensure the pepper is fully stuffed.
  5. Either drizzle with olive oil, and cook for around fifteen minutes at 200 degrees centigrade, or cover, and place in the fridge to cook later. 
  6. Serve immediately when cooked. 

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