Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Cooking with the little ones - Gold Digger Buns

With a whole week on our hands during half term last week, my eldest daughter begged me to indulge her in her favourite past time – cooking from the “Katy I can cook” cookbook.  When she isn’t playing Katy I can cook on the CBeebies website, she is in the kitchen cooking one of her recipes.  This week she decided that she wanted to cook Gold digger Buns.

Every time I hear about gold digger buns, I immediately imagine them being served by a svelte temptress with alluring eyes eager to get her claws into some poor unsuspecting man’s cash, but no – apparently the name relates more to the apricots or “gold nuggets” which are hidden inside the buns – you live and learn!

The “I can cook” recipe book is great as the recipes are all stuff which kids can make easily and are almost guaranteed to eat.  It also features a great selection of recipes which are vegetarian, or can easily be adapted to become vegetarian.

Once we started cooking, the 22 month old decided that she wanted in on the action too, and so I gave the eldest the job of cutting up the apricots with scissors and cracking and whisking the egg, whilst the youngest poured the ingredients into the bowl – a job which she took great pride in.  Both the girls loved mixing the ingredients together.  They get so excited when they get the chance to be like Mummy in the kitchen.  When I am cooking, I am generally wedged between the youngest who demands to sit on the kitchen counter and watch me, and the eldest who draws up a chair to stand on next to me so that she can commentate as I cook.

These buns are great as they are extremely quick and simple to make, and are virtually impossible to mess up.  They also taste delicious and only have a little bit of sugar.  I added a 1/4tsp of baking powder to help the buns to rise. You could also change the recipe and try making them with glace cherries, sultanas or other kinds of dried fruit.

Once cooked, the girls proudly took their Gold digger buns to a play date with them – to the delight of their friends, and there was even one left for Grandma and Granddad to sample too.  It’s so lovely to see the girls getting such excitement out of cooking and they feel so proud when they get to share what they have cooked with others.  It’s one of the real highlights of being a parent – a memory which I cling to on the days when being a parent is not so great

Ingredients – Makes 6 Buns
 6 dried “ready to eat” apricots
60g Butter
110g self-raising flour
30g caster sugar
¼ tsp baking powder
1 egg

1)    Line a tray with baking powder
2)    Cut up the apricots using scissors
3)    Place the flour and butter into a bowl.  “Tickle” or rub the butter and flour together until the mixture is crumbly
4)    Add the sugar and chopped apricots to the bowl and mix with a fork until combined
5)    Break the egg into a cup and whisk with a fork
6)    Add the egg to the bowl and stir until it becomes a soft dough. (Add more flour if the dough is too sticky)
7)    Sprinkle some flour onto a work mat and turn out the dough onto the work mat
8)    Split the dough into six even sized pieces and place them on the baking tray
9)    Bake in a pre-heated oven at 160°c f fan, 180°c, gas mark 4 for 15-20 minutes.
    10) When ready, leave to cool and then enjoy!    


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