Monday, 27 June 2011

CyberMummy 2011 - My CyberMummy 2011 Tips and Awards

On Saturday, I attended CyberMummy11 - described as the UK's premier parent blogging conference.  Now I will admit, as a new blogger, I hadn't even heard about Cybermummy until hearing about it at Blog Camp last Saturday, but when Johnsons Baby offered sponsorship via twitter on Wednesday and agreed to sponsor me to go, I was absolutely delighted and so excited!!!!  

CyberMummy was held at The Brewery in London and about 450 Bloggers, PR's and brands attended.  I think I am still taking it all in, and I won't bore you to tears with everything that happened but I will share with you my CyberMummy Tips and awards

Best Blog Tips
  • Write your posts with strong keywords for good SEO – Frederic Montagnon
  • Photo and Video on the net gets more interaction than the written word – Richard Allen
  • Your blog life balance will be much more equal and you may increase followers if you plan posts a month ahead and vary the genres of posts you write – Nadine Hill
Best Cybermummy Tips
  • Make an extra effort to chat to new people and sponsors.  Don’t be a version of your introverted cyber self
  • Don't upset mummy bloggers if you are a speaker #Sophie King
  • Some parents bloggers are massively friendly in cyber space but not in real-life #justsaying
  • Networking and Business Cards are essential in the blogging world - I swapped so many business cards and got so many back - can't wait to read lots of new blogs
  • Wine is not a good idea on an empty stomach when you haven't drunk in ages.  Two glasses of wine can make your head spin and make you feel a tad tipsy
  • Missing the after party is probably a good idea judging from the pics afterwards  (don’t want to explain those to hubby!!) :-P
  • Don't plan anything the day after Cybermummy as you will only have the capacity to sit on the sofa and veg.
CyberMummy Awards

Most essential Cybermummy Accessory:
Ipad/Iphone/Android smartphone to keep up with Twitter and take pictures
Suitcase - Bloggers get SERIOUS swag - I nearly collapsed travelling by foot, tube, train, foot  and car with the amount of stuff

Best Celebrity Speaker:
Sarah Brown - who is not "ordinary" but  is "normal" - so lovely and an amazing campaigner for women and mothers in pregnancy, childbirth and parenting all over the world - a cause very close to my heart.  Love the stories about how mothers keep the family unit together - no matter who they are.  Got her to sign her new book for me too!

Best Conference Speaker:
Danielle Fudge - SEO analyst for Disney - My favourite speaker apart from Sarah Brown.  Danielle was so knowledgable and had loads of advice on google, SEO and RSS - the most useful speaker by far.

I also enjoyed listening to Richard  Allen and Natalie Lue speak

Best Workshop:
Blogger-to-Blogger Inspiration Workshop - Real bloggers can tell it like it is and give brilliant tips. 

Blog Post guaranteed to have you crying into the table cloth:
Nicky - Typecast

Best Dressed Cybermummy:
Too many to count – everyone looked fabulous, especially thanks to the P & G Recharge room with hairdressers, makeup artists and massages.

Most lovely bloggers at Cybermummy
@Mygorgeousboys, @notsupermum, @Boat_Wife, @3bedroom, @thebitchinwife, @workinglonmummy, @zooarchaeologist

Best Dressed Sponsor:
Has to go to the beautiful Butlins redcoats and Ludo the friendly green dinosaur

Best Food/Drink Sponsor:
Naked Wines - delicious prosecco - crisp and not too dry and shiraz – rich and velvety mmm

Most Friendly PR/Sponsor
@FayeScho – Regis Haircare
Helen from Johnsons
Ubisoft PR’s

Most Unfriendly/Rude PR/Sponsor:
There were a few, I won't name and shame brands, but needless to say, they should sack their PR agencies and get some friendlier ones who embrace ALL parent bloggers and not just purely parenting bloggers or ones with lots of klout

Most Interesting Products:
The IPad - shown by Three UK
Leap Pad learning tablet - My eldest has the explorer which is fab so this is a welcome addition to the leap pad range and possible christmas present I sense!
Just Dance for Wii by Ubisoft – had a few goes on the demo 
Vicks in ear thermometer - an essential for all Mums with little ones

Most innovative Campaign:
Johnsons Baby  - my sponsors are launching the Wipe out Waste campaign to recycle baby wipe packs - a welcome introduction for mums like me who use wipes A LOT!

Best Cupcakes:
Johnsons Baby – Yum

Best Swag Bag 
Boots – lots of lovely products

Swag Product most guaranteed to have your 4 year old crying with happiness
Tangled DVD from Disney UK

Best Swag products for Mummy’s:
Boots Beauty Serum, Champneys bath stuff and DoDo notebooks

Thanks to Susanna, Sian and Jennifer for a fantastic day and thanks to again to my sponsors Johnsons Baby for sponsoring me


  1. Thank you for the mention - I never thought to suggest using the tablecloths as massive tissues. Great round up but I am VERY intrigued to find out who the "not great in real life" people are!!

    Re the business cards - I had pockets full of other peoples and kept almost giving those away when dipping in to get my own. LOL!

  2. Was. So nice to meet you.... Again...! Would have loved to have more time to chat.. So many people!!Xx

  3. Thank you very much for the lovely mention :-)

    It was great to meet you, and I love your round-up of the conference. I really enjoyed meeting so many of the bloggers I've got to know over the last few years, and also meeting so many new bloggers (or new to me anyway!).

    Hope to see you at a future event.

  4. Nice to meet all of you also, I look forward to seeing you at future events!!

  5. Great summary. I thought Danielle was excellent too. You are too welcome and glad Johnsons worked out.



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