This year I have started working an evening job, and so on the evenings that I am working, dinner is always a fraught rush in our house - trying to feed two small mouths before they are too tired and before I need to rush out of the house. As much as I would love to cook everything from scratch, sometimes, I need a little helping hand to speed things up a little and to get dinner on the table before I need to leave for work.
As a parent, I am still conscious of what the family is eating, and so I want to provide them with the best meals possible with the time that I have.
Schwartz's range is great for this. Although some of the range is targeted at cooking with meat-products, there are still loads of great vegetarian dishes which you can make if you substitute the meat for a meat-free alternative, or use vegetables instead. There are endless possibilities of recipes and food combination you could try, and lots of great meals to be made.
Schwartz also have a great range for vegetables and side dishes to try. Additionally, there are some really interesting recipes on their website - using combinations you might never have thought of such as Watermelon with Dill Ice Cubes or Microwave Pineapple Pudding.
Do give their lasagne recipe a try - just substitute the mince for veggie mince and away you go!
Disclosure: I received payment for this post in association with Schwartz. Please see my featured post disclaimer for info.
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