Friday, 27 December 2013

Thomson Cruise Menu Competition: Win a Caribbean Cruise!

I always love to hear about a competition which leaves you dreaming of sunnier climes, and so when I heard about the Thomson Cruises Competition, I just had to share it with you. Thomson Cruises are running a fantastic competition at the moment, to win a Caribbean Cruise. In the grey, dreary weather which we are currently experiencing, a Caribbean Cruise sounds pretty enticing right about now! 

All you have to do to enter, is to create a three-course menu which is fit for a feast on-board a Cruise. The winner will get to set sail on a cruise around the Caribbean, and see their dishes brought to life by a chef whilst they are on board.

Three finalists will be shortlisted by a team including The Mirror’s very own cruise expert, Captain Greybeard – AKA John Honeywell – and will be invited to cruise around the Canary Islands and have a chef cook their menu. A judging panel, including the ship’s captain, Thomson Cruises director and Thomson Cruises manager will pick their favourite menu, and the winner will receive a "Pride of Panama" Cruise in January 2015. Their menu will also feature in the a la carte restaurant whilst they are on board.

As an avid fan of cruising myself, I know that the food on board Cruise Ships is always fantastic, but the Vegetarian range could always be better, so I have created a Vegetarian Feast which would make a great addition to a Caribbean Cruise.

I have chosen a Stuffed Mushroom Starter, an Asparagus and Pastry based main, followed by a pudding with a Caribbean kick - a Ginger, Pineapple and Cream Trifle to finish.

I would urge you to enter too as the prize is absolutely fantastic. You have until the 12th of January 2014 to get creating your menu fit for a feast. Here are the rules of the competition and some more information

What would you ideal Cruise menu be?

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