Wednesday 16 April 2014

"Half Time Ices" - From CBeebies I Can Cook

This week, with the girls being off school for Easter, they have been enjoying watching some CBeebies. One of their favourite programmes is still "I Can Cook" which offers kids easy recipes to make and features Katy who shows them how to do it. 

On "I Can Cook", the recipe this week was "Half Time Ices" - perfect for eating during the holidays! The Half Time Ices consisted of frozen oranges and strawberries, and the girls were really excited because we had the exact ingredients to make them!!

I really like the recipes featured on I Can Cook as most of them can be done with none, or very minimal adult help. The girls were able to make their Half Time Ices completely on their own - all I had to do was slice the top off the orange. It was great to let them have a bit of independence in the kitchen and prepare something for themselves. The recipe was also really healthy. Once it had been frozen, we all agreed that it was much more tasty than a regular ice lolly - and with much more flavour and much less sugar and nasties!!

Here is the recipe to make Half Time Ices: You will need an orange, and 4 strawberries cut into small pieces. Scoop out the orange, hide the strawberries inside, place the scooped orange back in, and freeze - that's it!

Being kids of the 21st century, the girls also wanted to record their cooking. We tried videoing the process, but it didn't really work, so in the end, the girls decided to make a video describing their experience of making their Half Time Ices. Here is youngest aged four (and a half!) telling you about how she found the process.

The video they made cuts off sharpish at the end, but here it is:

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