Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Halloumi and Vegetable Kebabs

For National Vegetarian Week 2014, I am endeavouring to blog new recipes and new products every day. Today I am featuring Halloumi and Vegetable Kebabs. I have to confess that these are not my own creations, although I did help to make and cook them and certainly enjoyed eating them!!

Last week I went to a friend's birthday party, and she had made these delicious Halloumi and Vegetable Kebabs for the grown-ups to enjoy, and so I wanted to share them with you. With all this wonderful hot weather we are experiencing this week, BBQ season is well and truly underway. A great alternative to veggie burgers, these kebabs are really quick and easy to make either for yourself, or for when Vegetarians suddenly pop round and you need to pull something out of the bag.

I love cooking Halloumi on the BBQ as it's texture means that it maintains it's shape really well, and the saltiness of the cheese really comes out when it is flame-cooked, and merges with the other ingredients. For extra flavour, you could marinate the kebabs before cooking if you fancied.

I hope you enjoy these Halloumi and Vegetable Kebabs. How is your National Vegetarian Week 2014 going so far?

Halloumi and Vegetable Kebabs
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2 Courgettes
2 Red Peppers
500g Halloumi Cheese
250g Closed Cup Mushrooms

  1. Cut the Vegetables into small pieces
  2. Cut the Halloumi Cheese into small cubes
  3. Place the Halloumi and Vegetables onto Skewers in a repeating pattern
  4. Place the Skewers onto the BBQ and cook for around ten minutes. Turn during cooking and serve immediately. 

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