Monday, 2 May 2011

Tomato Spirals from the CBeebies "I Can Cook" Cookbook

My eldest daughter absolutely loves to cook and bake and has done so from a young age. As a toddler, she spent countless hours sitting on the worktop “helping” me cook, and now she is a little older, she loves being able to cook and bake her own creations.  

As she is really into cooking, she loves the CBeebies cookery show “I Can Cook” featuring Katy Ashworth.  She saw Katy in our local pantomime and also received the “I Can Cook” Cookery book for Christmas. Since then, she has become addicted to making recipes from it and regularly demands ingredients from the supermarket to cook her own dishes.

Although her little sister regularly “helps” cook and loves it too, baking and cooking from the “I Can Cook” book has become something that my eldest one and I do to spend quality time together whilst the youngest is asleep.

This week, the recipe of choice was Tomato Spirals - which is one of her favourites. To make enough for a family meal, we increased the quantities of the ingredients and added fresh halved cherry tomatoes and chopped onion to the original ingredients for a bit more flavour.

Tomato Spirals

Oil for greasing
375g Puff Pastry at room temperature (sometimes we buy the ready-roll pastry to save time)
200g Tomato Puree
150g Vegetarian Cheddar grated
8 Fresh Basil Leaves
100g Chopped Cherry Tomatoes
Half a medium Onion, chopped
Milk to brush the pastry

1) Line the baking tray with baking paper and grease the paper with oil.
2) Chop the tomatoes and onion and grate the cheese (normally a job for the grown-ups).
3) Sprinkle the workspace with flour and roll out the pastry into a big rectangle, or unroll the ready- rolled pastry onto the workspace.
4) Spread the Tomato Puree over the pastry. Spread right to the edges.
5) Sprinkle the grated cheddar over the top of the puree.
6) Add the tomato and Onion and place equally over the cheese.
7) Tear the basil leaves with your fingers and scatter them over the pastry.
8) Roll up the pastry into a long sausage shape, making sure all of the filling is hidden inside.
9) Using a knife, cut the pastry into slices and then lay on a baking tray with the filling facing upwards.  Use your fingers to squeeze the pastry back into shape if needed.
10) Brush with milk and place the spirals into an oven at 220 degrees centigrade, Gas Mark 7 for 15 minutes until the pastry is golden brown.
11) When ready, take out of the oven, leave to cool for a couple of minutes and then serve.

Tonight we served ours with a rocket salad and some sweet potato fries, but the kids also love them with potato smiley faces and baked beans!

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