Monday 7 July 2014

A Vegetarian Diet for Multiple Sclerosis

Someone told me recently that they eat a Vegetarian diet to manage MS. It is well known that following a Vegetarian Diet indicates a lower incidence of various illnesses and diseases including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma, and kidney stones. Studies have shown that a Vegetarian diet can also have an effect on Multiple Sclerosis (MS). 

Multiple Sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous system, which affects thousands of people, (mostly Caucasians, and women more than men). It affects more people in populations who eat a lot of saturated fats including meat, butter and cheese. Interestingly the Japanese, who follow a predominantly rice diet, have lower rates of MS than any other developed country, perhaps because they don't eat as many saturated fats as other countries.

Following a Vegetarian diet can help those with MS as plant foods provide B Vitamins, K Vitamins, magnesium and folates. Those who eat fruits and vegetables also suffer from less infections. Some vegetarian foods are also high in fibre which helps with digestion. A vegetarian diet which is low in saturated fat (around 6% total calories) can help to lower rates of MS. A low-fat vegetarian diet which contains predominantly starches, vegetables and fruits will account for five-ten percent of total fat. Those with MS should try to avoid meat, eggs, dairy and tropical oils to ensure their diet is low in saturated fat.

Foods which are good for MS include

Breakfast: fruit, cereals, waffles/pancakes. oatmeal
Lunch: Soup, vegetable sandwiches, salad
Tea: Pasta, brown rice, chilli, pulses/grains, stir-fried vegetables

Find out more info on the Multiple Sclerosis Website 

Do you control MS with a vegetarian diet? Do you have any tips?

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