Saturday, 13 August 2011

Yoghurt Muffins

This is the last of my Total Greek Yoghurt Review Posts.

I made these Yoghurt Muffins with the kids last week using Total Greek Yoghurt. I was a bit sceptical about using yoghurt to make muffins as I wasn't sure about the texture and consistency of the mixture, but they turned out so light and fluffy. 

Yoghurt Muffins are also super easy to make since you basically use the carton to measure out the other ingredients, so there is only one pot and a bowl involved - which saves on the washing up too. These would be a great thing to make on a rainy day when you need something to occupy the kids. 

Our Yoghurt Muffins tasted absolutely amazing. Needless to say, they disappeared within a few days because we couldn't stop devouring them!  Time to make another batch I think!

170g (1 carton) Total Greek Natural Yoghurt
1 Carton of Vegetable Oil
3 Cartons of Self-Raising Flour
1 Carton Caster Sugar
200g Milk Chocolate Chips
3 Eggs

  1. Empty the yoghurt into a bowl
  2. Then use the same yoghurt pot to measure and add the vegetable oil, self raising flour and caster sugar 
  3. Add the chocolate chips and stir
  4. Add the beaten eggs and combine the mixture well together
  5. Mix well and pour into muffiun cases
  6. Bake at 140 degrees celsius for about 15 minutes, or until golden brown
  7. Allow to cool and serve or store in an airtight container



  1. Hey. I've been looking for some eggless cake recipes for ages. Most of the ones I find look really flat and dull. This seems like a great idea.

    And I LOVE your plate!


  2. Thanks! They taste so delicious and you dont miss the eggs at all!



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